Hello 2.0
Hello, people of the internet.
Since this is my second post, I would like to give you a little bit of information regarding the aim/purpose of this blog, the meaning behind the name and so on.
Firstly, ThEccentrics is for ‘misfits’ like myself and the reason it is ThEccentrics rather than The Eccentrics is that I strongly dislike labels in general. Therefore, I wouldn’t want a name to simply define me. Rather, it is about accepting yourself as a whole without being defined nor redefined. Your past and present, the good and the bad all make you “YOU”.
I want to use this blog to share my photography and stories from different people who generally don’t get their stories told and maybe there will be others who can relate to that and benefit from it too.
Moreso, I am a socially awkward person and for years I have tried fitting in but now I don’t really care even if I feel like I don’t belong anywhere. So perhaps I will make myself useful by telling others on the internet that it is ok to be strange, it is ok not to fit in, it is ok not to meet someone else’s standards or society as a whole.
Just ask yourself are you a good person? Are you kind? To people, to animals, to plants whatever. And as long as you are not causing chaos and unease to others, then I think that is enough because no one is perfect.
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