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A year in review | 2018

Hello Internet, This is 2018, a year in review. Last year, I have done a similar blog post and I felt like it has given me a  sense of direction so I think it would nice to do this again and revisit the events of this year. To begin, going into this year, I had no major resolutions/goals as my intention was to live everyday and in the moment without stressing out too much. I was taking a gap year so I spent a lot of time working on my UCAS personal statement and portfolio. There were also other unforeseen events that impacted me indirectly so I spent a lot of time at home, but everything worked out fine in the end. Around mid-spring, I had my portfolio interview and I got unconditional offer so I was very relieved. Later on, I started working on an essay for a community scholarship offered by the university. My chances were very slim but since I had a lot of free time, I thought what could I lose?  Besides that, I continued exploring. London is pretty boring if you ...

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